streetknit-july 26, 2011

“you must be really getting into it if you have to take pictures of the stuff”

i’m kinda disappointed that i missed the stich and pitch this year, though my excuse was that i was learning children how to read good wearing a shirt that says “fuck art make war”-oops. but i still get to reap the rewards because michelle spoils me with the colour-fulls, and carol always casts me on, due to my performance anxiety to do it in front of the group. the left is my latest offering, and the new turquoise is this month’s baby. no, i haven’t moved on from scarves yet, but it’s hellagreat to be heckled for it by old ladies. the group got a little heated over whether or not jack layton was busted living in subsidized housing, but that’s the beauty of such community groups-you never know what you’re gonna get. speaking of, the city hall sleepover last night was something, wasn’t it? margaret atwood once again proves her awesomeness in striking the reverse castro brothers that we currently have in office in a clever and meaning-full manner. books 1: donuts 0. on a related note, i learned that the one book idea was born in the seattle public library from their podcast, and highly recommend the recent chris cleave episode where he brings us back to his country’s wartime prime minister’s response to the call to cut arts funding to pay for the war, “if not for the arts, then what are we fighting for?” priorities, my peoples.