writing as a healing practice-alternity march 9th, 2023

this was my response to a prompt around kintsugi:

They had agreed on a separate schedule to collect their belongings. The sale had closed and the big pieces had been dealt with. Only the knick knacks remained-the microcosms that embodied the macro chasms in their values about values. He found his box of IKEA “souvenirs”-Allen keys and that seemingly extra nut or bolt of every piece of furniture they had either scrimped to save for, or impulse bought. It was his job to build the things that never came apart to be rebuilt again very well, but every relationship is full of things that come apart and cannot be rebuilt until one day-someone is out on the lawn, falling apart whilst being loaded into a van full of someone else’s lofty ideals, and the other is gathering dust and s-hooks supporting things that are too heavy. As he lets all these bonus parts trickle through his fingers, he wonders if these trophies were really a warning that their foundation was built on quicksand, but who doesn’t need blind hope? The hindsight of blind hope is 50/50.

gratitudes (i love that for you)

molly shannon is an inspiration. her two shows on crave right now-the other two and i love that for you have been my favourite this week. it’s interesting that she’s playing television stars in both, in very different ways, and i’m counting her as a comeback queen who’s making room for all of us to pick up where we left off.

i’m also still geeked over the fact that workin’ moms is so clearly filmed in the east end, with the same businesses as themselves and everything. i’m great-full that my friend romeo has a few directing credits on this final season, and i’m sure that i’ll come back to the series, not only for the jokes, but also for how glamourous the city looks-candido‘s other series on cbc gem, topline, also features amazing songs and views. remember when toronto was only being passed off as other cities in film and television? look at us now, baby!

i’m great-full for the public library’s “save” function, and for the fact that i went through my list this morning to be reminded that i’ve wanted to check out the danger mouse album-cheat codes. i’m great-full that my forever favourite emcee, black thought, figures so prominently over these beats, and i’m great-full for hoopla digital as a platform that hosts the project, and to the library for offering the various free streaming platforms that it does-there may be limits on how much you can borrow, but there is also a lot of material that is not available elsewhere.

i’m great-full to have internet and fiton and the time to do my workouts. danielle and kenny are the trainers that always make me feel like i can do anything, and i am truly amazed by how my concentration and strength has improved over the better part of the past two years with the app. i may still be self-detracting with my penchant for jalapeno cheddar comfort foods, but i started the program for stress release and i know i have accomplished that. i’m great-full for this shift in my schedule to reset my space, my routines, and my goals for the upcoming quarters of the year.

i’m great-full for the body of work of susan orlean. i’m currently enjoying on animals, and my boo just borrowed the library book, which was not only a perfect read, but a perfect gift from nehal. i don’t know if i ever thanked her for that, but i am thanking her for it now, as well as for teaching my poetry, and giving me feedback from her students about it. on the topic of feedback, i’m great-full to sam for telling me what stood out and what she liked from my last blog post. i’m still patiently waiting for a link to her own blog, and i’m sure i’m not the only one among our latest bootcamp alum.

i’m great-full for all the meals and celebrations that i’ve marked at bar verde and bazille at the eaton centre, yorkdale, sherway, and at the rideau centre. i’m glad that i brought two of my favourite people to have their first and last meals there this week, and i’m great-full for the impeccable service all the way to the end, for the servers who were so great even as they stared down their last shifts. i’m great-full for the 20% off coupon that allowed me to say goodbye twice this week, and i look forward to popping into one of the american nordstroms for more dining excellence. i’m so curious about what’s going into that space-what’s your guess?

i’m great-full for the chance to write at alternity, a community hub that i was not aware of. looking at their events schedule, i’m seeing that they do ganja yoga, and i’m pretty sure that is run by a former customer of mine at the grocery store, and perhaps i’ll put that on my list of things to do. i’m great-full to david for running a new workshop, and for the chance to do the method in a large group with new folx. a few of my prompt responses are coming in the next posts.

i’m great-full for the impromptu dinner with lucas, and our first time trying chicka’s chicken. i’m great-full that i ran into atsuko and macey (the goodest girl) on the way to meeting him. i’m great-full for sunshine and free afternoons and too many grapes.

i’m great-full that i got to participate in my first miniatures shoot for miikshi. the last time, we were covid restricted, but this time i definitely got to do some special effect work before noon.

i’m great-full that f going to daycare has been so hard for me because of my multi-level abandonment issues, and i’m also great-full that i am receiving a copy of mother hunger by kelly mcdaniel all wavy like it was water damaged, either by tears or a bath, and i first saw it in a post made by virgie tovar reading it in the bath (and presumably crying).

i’m great-full to ari lennox and her fine-ass band for playing a flawless show at history, a venue that i had no idea existed, but it’s pretty close to my home, and draws decent acts. i had forgotten that sometimes, i just need to feel subwoofers through my whole heart.

until soon, take care of yourselves.

gratitudes (from the branch of the library intentionally shaped like a spaceship)

there has been no internet at my house for going on 30 hours now, and i have found myself at the public library like my freelancing days. it’s been inconvenient and charming, especially since i discovered upon arrival that i didn’t have to schlep my heavy laptop and charger since there are free machines all over the place. the library is bright and whimsical and i found the latest issue of the atlantic and some selected a workout dvd from the cringy selection but hey-no internet means no fiton (sad panda), though i am great-full for the ocean footage of the meditation video that i watched for the first time with my eyes open because i’m at the library, which is not responsible for lost articles and thangs. i was greeted by the not-so-gentle snoring of a patron in a chair and smiled at the futile attempt to shush a hoard of tweens coming into the mainspace from their basement program area while i read the events wall, because good things happen to those who read event walls and poles.

i’m great-full for the fact that i slept in to 7:49 am this morning, and then beyond that to 9:15 because the house is actually quite quiet without its youngest inhabitant, who is doing fabulously at daycare, actually. i’m great-full that after a packed weekend of shooting miikshi and last 1/3 shifts at the east end location of the butcher shop, i had the time to get my letter on.

i’m great-full for the revelation that while my genus of writer is poet, the medium of my forte is the letter, and today is all about the letters. i have a stack of paper letters that need replies, i’m going to send out my email invites to the free drop-in session of the workshop, and i am forever changed by the impact of customer service letters (both written and received). in fact, my instinct is to tell my favourite remaining nordstrom employee to rip the letter that i wrote in off the door in the staff room before the doors shut for the last time (RIP best public washroom in the downtown core). i could also write him another.

i’m great-full for terry o’reilly‘s this i know-marketing lessons of under the influence that i’m realizing that i’ve already read, but like the show episodes, they are always good for a re-listen. i’m inspired to offer my services to collab on the story element of peoples’ passion projects, and i’m great-full for the wind of change that has blown in with march-i’m feeling buoyed by the spirit of making things happen.

speaking of, i’m great-full for the moments to reunite with the crew of our little puppet show that could. it’s kind of hard to believe that we last shot in 2020, but it’s amazing that we can all just flip back into that same rhythm of work mode where we’re inspired to make the very best show possible. and what an absolute pleasure it is to do it-i had a moment when we had actually wrapped when i organized our costume resources and worked to improve our existing our costumes. beyonce remixes and jessie reyes songs by my request (as well as nsync‘s “gone” which actually brought a tear to my eye) were the soundtrack of the joy of working on a micro project that supports a micro macro one. there really is no better thing than to just walk into a room and try a thing. how else do we know what we can and cannot do, other than to try?

i’m great-full for the death, sex and money podcast which was my soundtrack to paint by number to this morning as i putt-putted. it’s a genius way to make podcasts about just about everything, as those umbrella topics cover so much-my favourite is when music is a special guest star, but i can just let four or five episodes run, and my attention is held and ideas are expanded and challenged. today’s question-does the internet allow us to be more public? or more private?

i’m great-full for the (duck) confit pork belly that i sliced and toaster ovened to drape over a 50/50 spinach/ramen mix with kimchi before i traveled to work remotely today. i’m great-full for the change of scenery, and for the opportunity to hear how my computer speakers sound in my ears-these earbuds don’t work in my phone anymore, but they plug into my laptop, which has long been hooked up to an external speaker, so the nuances of the songs in my itunes have slipped past me for a long time. although the shuffle seems to be strongly favouring remy shand

i’m great-full for the melting snow and sunshine. it’s been nonsense to dig myself out of my apartment thrice this week, but i still maintain that it’s better than getting all of the season’s allotted snow in one single day like we did last year.

i’m great-full for the fact that MMB has now walked into my workplace unawares twice in this lifetime (and that our paths have likely crossed in a million past ones) and that it happened just after i gave my notice. i’m glad for the reunion with someone that i thought i had lost lost, and i’m glad that she’s in good health and back in the city. turns out, some people don’t die, they just move to hamilton, and furthermore, sometimes people come back from hamilton. huh.

i’m great-full for the fact that KMA, on the same day, finally came in at a time that i was also there-we usually have missed each other by a few hours every time. she spoke of a dream that she had of her mother heckling her, and truly, there are no accidents.

i’m great-full for my guy, and the fact that we will resume our weekend together this saturday/sunday. i’m great-full that he’s healing well, that we got to have a lunch break together yesterday, and that he’s sending us to see ari lennox tonight

i’m great-full for montreal-i love that the connections that i made through the chaos of the three years that i lived there have extended into the relationships that have inspired me, sustained me, and reminded me to keep coming home to myself ever since. i’m great-full for the chances to celebrate two of those friendships last week, and adding to our list of shared milestones.

i’m great-full that i get to be me, choose me, love me, and i do. i absolutely do.

gratitudes (what’s on tonight)

-first of all, this “best of montell jordan” that i’ve borrowed courtesy of hoopla, i now forget what i was searching for and didn’t find that led me here, but it was related to something that i heard on the year end episode of hanif abdurraquib‘s amazing music podcast, the object of sound

-second, that i have the house to myself and can blast all these bangers that i forgot about-i mostly got it because my ultimate favourite, “let’s ride” is (obviously) in the collection

-i’m great-full that my guy is going into tomorrow optimistic and that the soup that i’m making him is simmering on the stove right now- late, but not too late

-i am coming around on the new paint by number-it’s not an immediate love like the fruits, but its charms are revealing themselves. i’m great-full i got to do it whilst on the phone with a coworker in a jam, and i’m great-full for all the reminders this week that the dayjob is good for a dayjob but it’s still a dayjob

-HOLD THE PHONE I FORGOT ABOUT “I Can Do That” which may be a close tie for my favourite montell song-those unnecessary but perfect modulations and all that whispering! ugh. 90s r&b will forever be my jams. wow, music really is 300% nostalgia

-i’m great-full that i got to try a resto that i’ve been hearing lots of good things about (anh dao) and that the banh xeo was worth the hype, and i got to catch up with my brave young friend haddie and be inspired all over again by her lovely spirit

-i’m great-full that i was off today and got to spend a good three hours leisurely moving through my workouts and duolingo. i’m great-full that i’ve made exercise a priority in my self-care, and that i’ve had fiton as the conduit for that. i’m great-full that i’ve recently passed the 3000 workout mark and that the wellness reset (yes, i bought pro) has kick-started a whole host of other resets. i’m great-full for deandre’s wisdom in the bedtime yoga class that joined last night, “you deserve rest, and nobody else can rest for you.” dang. there are so many gems from the trainers, and i’m great-full for the stress release and the perspectives and prospectives that i’ve gained in the last year and a half and i can actually say that i can get to the end of a 30-40 minute workout without even checking the time once, and that’s something.

-i’m great-full that i made it back to class last night, and that i got to write with my writers, and that i was inspired to come home and figure out a new direction for this blog that i’m great-full to have had for so many years now. i’m great-full that i edited my piece in transcription and that i learned how to make the ™ sign with my keyboard

-i’m great-full for pyae moe thet war‘s memoir you’ve changed: fake accents, feminism, and other comedies from myanmar it’s hilarious and cheeky and poignant, and inspiring for my current project, and i’m great-full for the reminder that if i’m to enter the cbc non-fiction contest, i better get some words together because i only have 12 days to do it.

-i’m great-full that s is coming to look at this, and despite the unfortunate circumstances that have brought us back together, i’m great-full that she reached out, and hope that we get an in-person reunion this year.